Search by price:


Examination, consultation

35 000 – 40 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

22 000 – 32 000 Ft

Prescription (without consultation)

6 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Prescription + brief consultation

16 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Ultrasound examination

10 000 Ft


20 000 Ft

Complex sperm analysis based on WHO VI. criteria – without consultation (within 3-4 hours)

32 000 Ft

Sample handling fee (for non-BOC patients)

3 000 – 5 000 Ft

Peroxidase test – inflammatory (infection-related) examination (within 3-4 hours)

12 000 Ft

Genetic and other laboratory examinations – sent to external lab

Men’s infertility examinations

AZF – Y chromosome microdeletion

49 000 Ft

Cystic fibrosis 36

75 000 Ft

Other examinations

ASA – anti-body against sperm (seminal plasma)

16 000 Ft

NAG – neutral alpha glucosidase

19 000 Ft


42 000 Ft

PMN Elastase

20 000 Ft

ROS – identification of total oxygen roots in the sperm with flow cytometer

43 000 Ft

SCSA + ROS – DNS fragmentation examination and identification of total oxygen roots in the sperm together

78 000 Ft

TAC – Total antioxidant capacivity

24 000 Ft

TAC + ROS – Total antioxidant capacivity and identification of total oxygen roots in the sperm together

47 000 Ft

Identification of IL6 and IL8 in the semen liquid with flow cytometer

51 000 Ft

Bacteriology (glans, urethra, throat fluid, ejaculatum, scar fluid etc.)

11 700 Ft

Urine bacteriology (aerob)

12 500 Ft

STD screenings (does not include the price of the consultation)

PCR examination

Atopobium vaginae

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis

7 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium

7 000 Ft

Neisseria gonorrhoea

7 000 Ft

Treponema pallidum

7 000 Ft

Trichomonas vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma urealyticum

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma parvum

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium PCR és molekuláris rezisztencia vizsgálat

8 000 Ft

Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum rapid culture and resistance 

11 500 Ft

Andrology hormone panel (LH, FSH, oestradiol, prolactin, TSH, testosterone, testosterone free, albumin)

23 100 Ft

Tumor markers

PSA free

5 500 Ft

PSA- prostate spec. ag.

6 600 Ft


Szakorvosi vizsgálat,Examination, consultationkonzultáció

25 000 – 38 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

20 000 – 28 000 Ft

Prescription (without consultation)

6 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Injection (without the price of the injected medicine)

8 000 Ft

Birthmark screening with dermatoscope (examination and screening even for the entire body, if necessary)

25 000 – 35 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Dermatological work adequacy examination

25 000 – 35 000 Ft

Epicutan allergy test (Applying it to the back, 3 readings, consultation, with a standard test list, including 37 materials)

35 000 Ft

Removal of warts and skin tags (from the skin or mucous membrane, depending on location, size and quantity)

surgical removal of 1 lesion

52 000 Ft

surgical removal of 2 lesions

78 000 Ft

surgical removal of 3 lesions

104 000 Ft

Histological examination / lesion

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 Ft

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft

Punch biopsy without sutures (histology not included in the price)

25 000 Ft

Punch biopsy with sutures (histology not included in the price)

32 000 Ft

Shave biopsy (histology not included in the price)

20 000 Ft

Laser removal (viral warts, HPV warts, verruca)

below 0.5 cm 1 pc

28 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

5 000 Ft

between 0,5-1 cm 1 pc

31 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

6 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

35 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

7 000 Ft

Laser removal (fibroid, papilloma, molluscum)

1 pc

25 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

2 000 Ft

Laboratory examinations

Fungal culture (skin, nails)

20 000 Ft

Cellar tape test for the detection of funghi

6 000 Ft

Demodex examination

24 000 Ft

Bacteriology (glans, throat fluid, scar fluid etc.)

11 700 Ft

Allergy examinations from blood

Total serum IgE level

5 000 Ft

Histamine intolerance (DAO)

20 000 Ft

Policheck Rovar allergia panel (6 allergén specifikus IgE: méh méreg kivonat – bee venom, darázs méreg kivonat – wasp venom, darázs méreg ‘v5’ allergén komponens – ves v5, lódarázs méreg kivonat – hor

13 000 Ft

Policheck Inhalatív allergia 20-as panel (allergén specifikus IgE: nyírfa – birch, égerfa – alder, mogyoróbokor – hazel, fekete nyár – cottonwood, csillagpázsit – bermuda grass, fűkeverék – 6 gra

16 000 Ft

Policheck Táplálék allergia 20-as panel (allergén specifikus IgE: mogyoró – hazelnut, földimogyoró – peanut, mandula – almond, tehéntej – cow’s milk, tojás fehérje – egg white, tojás sárgája – egg yol

16 000 Ft

Policheck Gyermek allergia panel (kivonat) (20 allergén specifikus IgE: földimogyoró – peanut, tehéntej – cow’s milk, tojás fehérje – egg white, tojás sárgája – egg yolk, burgonya – potato, sárgarépa

17 000 Ft

Policheck Inhalatív allergia 30-as panel (allergén specifikus IgE: ciprus – sypress, mogyoróbokor – hazel, kőris – white ash, fehér tölgy – white oak, olíva – olive, nyírfa – birch, rozs – rye,

21 000 Ft

Policheck Táplálék allergia 30-as panel (allergén specifikus IgE: paradicsom – tomato, avokádó – avocado, banán – banana, citrom- és narancsfélék mix – citrus mix, kivi – kiwi, földimogyoró – peanut,

21 000 Ft


Examination and consultation

35 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

23 000 – 25 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Removal of sutures

6 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Histological examination / lesion

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 Ft

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft

Punch biopsy without sutures (histology not included in the price)

25 000 Ft

Punch biopsy with sutures (histology not included in the price)

32 000 Ft

Shave biopsy (histology not included in the price)

20 000 Ft

Laser treatment of in-grown nails

1 side

50 000 Ft

2 side

85 000 Ft

3 side

120 000 Ft

4 side

155 000 Ft

Laser plastic surgery of an ingrown nail: laser ablation + Emmert plastic surgery

1 side

55 000 Ft

2 side

90 000 Ft

3 side

125 000 Ft

4 side

160 000 Ft

Removal of birthmarks/naevi (histology not included in the price)

surgical removal of 1 lesion

52 000 Ft

surgical removal of 2 lesion

78 000 Ft

surgical removal of 3 lesion

104 000 Ft

Laser removal (viral warts, HPV warts, verruca)

below 0.5 cm 1 pc

28 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

5 000 Ft

between 0,5-1 cm 1 pc

31 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

6 000 Ft

bigger than 1 cm 1 pc

35 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

7 000 Ft

Laser removal (fibroid, papilloma, molluscum)

1 pc

25 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

2 000 Ft

Inflamed epidermal cyst, furunculus, carbunculus incisio

35 000 Ft

Removal of lipomas and other lesions (histology not included in the price)

surgical removal of 1 lesion

52 000 Ft

surgical removal of 2 lesions

78 000 Ft

surgical removal of 3 lesions

104 000 Ft

Removal of warts and skin tags (from the skin or mucous membrane, depending on location, size and quantity)

Curettage and cautery or laser

15 000 – 60 000 Ft


15 000 – 60 000 Ft

Examination, consultation – General and pediatric otolaryngology

28 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

20 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Pharynx-, larynx- and oral cavity cancer screening (Comprehensive specialist examination with HPV screening and nose endoscopy)

58 000 Ft

Laser removal of growths and papillomas from the oral cavity

from 25 000 Ft

Secretion suction – nose, ear, sinus

10 000 Ft

Eustachian tube insufflation

10 000 Ft

Insertion of grommets for glue ear

10 000 Ft

Ear irrigation

15 000 Ft

Nasal endoscopy

12 000 Ft

Treat of frequent nosebleeds with nasal packing

8 000 Ft

Treat of frequent nosebleeds with cauterization

15 000 Ft

Orrvérzés ellátása tamponálással

8 000 Ft

Foreign body removal – ear, nose, pharynx

15 000 – 30 000 Ft

Fiberoscopy of the larynx

12 000 Ft

Bacteriology (throat, nasal, ear)

11 700 Ft

HPV screening (throat)

18 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Blood test basic fee (for BOC patients, with inner referral)

3 000 Ft

Blood test basic fee (for non-BOC patients, with outside referral)

5 000 Ft

Sample handling fee (for non-BOC patients)

3 000 – 5 000 Ft

Enquire about the prices from our colleagues at the call center.


Examination, consultation

25 000 – 38 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

20 000 – 28 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Prescription (without consultation)

6 000 – 10 000 Ft

Prescription + brief consultation

16 000 Ft

Injection (without the price of the injected medicine)

8 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee for laboratorical examinations (HIV/syphilis/Hepatitis)

15 000 Ft


Gardasil 9 – 9 component vaccine against HPV

52 500 Ft

Removal of warts and skin tags (from the skin or mucous membrane, depending on location, size and quantity)

Curettage and cautery or laser

15 000 – 60 000 Ft


15 000 – 60 000 Ft

Laser removal of skin growths (viral warts, HPV warts)

below 0,5 cm 1 pc

28 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

5 000 Ft

between 0,5-1 cm 1 pc

31 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

6 000 Ft

bigger than 1 cm 1 pc

35 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

7 000 Ft

Histological examination  / lesion

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 Ft

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft

Punch biopsy (histology not included in the price)

25 000 Ft

STD screenings (does not include the price of the consultation)

Gram szerint festett/ natív kenet mikroszkópos vizsgálata (húgycső, hüvely, méhnyak)

8 000 Ft

PCR examination

Atopobium vaginae

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis

7 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium

7 000 Ft

Neisseria gonorrhoea

7 000 Ft

Treponema pallidum

7 000 Ft

Trichomonas vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma urealyticum

7 000 Ft

Microbiological culture

Bacteriology (glans, urethra, throat fluid, ejaculatum, scar fluid etc.)

11 700 Ft

Vaginal bacteriology and fungal culture

12 500 Ft

Urine bacteriology (aerob)

12 500 Ft

Fungal culture (skin, nails)

20 000 Ft

Cellar tape test for the detection of funghi

6 000 Ft

MRSA screening

8 250 Ft

Group B Streptococcus examination

8 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis culture from genital discharge

3 500 Ft

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae culture and resistance

17 600 Ft

Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum rapid culture and resistance

11 500 Ft

Laboratory examinations


HIV serology (1,2 anti-body and HIV-1 antigen)

9 500 Ft

HIV rapid test

14 000 Ft

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) anti-bodies (IgG, IgM)

13 000 Ft

Epstein-Barr virus anti-bodies (EBV)

13 600 Ft

Herpes simplex virus type 1, 2 00 IgG, IgM

16 100 F

Hepatitis A virus anti-bodies (IgG, IgM)

8 800 Ft

Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) identification

6 100 Ft

Hepatitis B virus anti HBs anti-body identification

5 400 Ft

Hepatitis B virus (HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs) panel

16 000 Ft

Hepatitis B virus anti HBc anti-body identification (IgG,IgM)

5 400 Ft

Hepatitis B virus surface Antigen ( HBsAg) confirmation

5 500 Ft

Hepatitis B virus anti-HBc IgM anti-body identification

10 000 Ft

Hepatitis B virus envelop antigen (HBeAg) identification

5 900 Ft

Hepatitis B virus anti-HBe anti-body identification

8 000 Ft

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) anti-body

13 000 Ft

Hepatitis E anti-bodies identification (IgG,IgM)

17 200 Ft

Mumps virus anti-bodies (IgG, IgM)

11 200 Ft

Parvovirus B19 anti-bodies (IgG, IgM)

9 500 Ft

Rubeola virus anti-bodies (IgG, IgM)

7 900 Ft

Varicella zoster virus IgG,IgM

9 500 Ft


Treponema pallidum (syphilis) screening, antibody and RPR

16 500 Ft

Bartonella anti-bodies IgG, IgM

13 000 Ft

Borrelia burgdorferi Western blot (Lyme’s disease)

16 500 Ft

Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG, IgM, IgA

13 200 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis IgG, IgM, IgA

10 450 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis (LGV gyanú) IgG+IgA Western blot/szérum (OEK)

16 000 Ft

Francisella tularensis antitest

5 000 Ft

Helicobacter pylori anti-body IgG

7 200 Ft

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG, IgA, IgM

15 700 Ft

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM anti-body identification with rapid testing

3 000 Ft

Salmonella anti-body

3 000 Ft

Yersinia anti-bodies IgG, IgM, IgA

14 300 Ft

Cervix cytology examination

6 000 Ft

HPV screening and subtype identification /samples

18 000 Ft

Cintect plus examination

31 000 Ft


Examination, consultation

28 000 – 35 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

20 000 – 25 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Prenatal care

25 000 – 35 000 Ft

Prescription (without consultation)

6 000 Ft

Prescription + brief consultation

16 000 Ft

Injection (without the price of the injected medicine)

8 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Emergency contraception

16 500 Ft


8 000 Ft

Spiral – IUD application -ultrasound controlled (not including the price of the applied spiral; not including the price of the consultation)

30 000 Ft

Laser treatment of cervical lesion

80 000 Ft

Cryosurgery of the cervix (freezing)

58 000 Ft

Cryosurgery of the cervix (freezing) repeated treatment

30 000 Ft

Gynecological test excision (histology not included in the price)

53 000 Ft

Endometrial biopsy (histology not included in the price)

43 000 Ft

Gynecological ultrasound examination

12 500 Ft

Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy)

82 000 Ft

Loop Conization

295 000 Ft


45 000 Ft

Cytology examination

6 000 Ft

Laboratory examinations – sent to external lab

Fetal risk examination

Exploring the reason behind infertility, unsuccessful IVF, and recurrent miscarriage

Microbiological culture

Vaginal bacteriology and fungal culture

12 500 Ft

Urine bacteriology (aerob)

12 500 Ft

Microscopic analysis of painted/native smear according to Gram

8 000 Ft

MRSA screening

8 250 Ft

Group B Streptococcus examination

8 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis culture from genital discharge

3 500 Ft

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae culture+resistance

17 600 Ft

Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum rapid culture+resistance

11 500 Ft

Cervix cytology examination

6 000 Ft

HPV screening and subtype identification /samples

18 000 Ft

Cintect plus examination

31 000 Ft


18 500 Ft

Confidence Marker test (POU4F3)

31 000 Ft

STD screenings (does not include the price of the consultation)

PCR examination

Atopobium vaginae

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis

7 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium

7 000 Ft

Neisseria gonorrhoea

7 000 Ft

Treponema pallidum

7 000 Ft

Trichomonas vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma urealyticum

7 000 Ft

Histological examination

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 Ft

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft


Examination, consultation

35 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

23 000 – 25 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft


13 000 Ft

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with band and cryotherapy or injection

First occasion

23 000 Ft

2-3. occasion

20 000 Ft

from 4. occasion

18 000 Ft

Removal of hemorrhoids by traditional method

1 sector

55 000 – 75 000 Ft

2 sector

85 000 – 105 000 Ft

3 sector

105 000 – 150 000 Ft

Removal of a blood clot from an external hemorrhoid by traditional method

1 sector

40 000 – 60 000 Ft

2 sector

60 000 – 100 000 Ft

3 sector

100 000 – 150 000 Ft

Laser removal of external hemorrhoids

1 sector

70 000 – 105 000 Ft

2 sector

110 000 – 150 000 Ft

3 sector

150 000 – 200 000 Ft

Removal of a clots of external hemorrhoids with laser

1 sector

60 000 – 80 000 Ft

2 sector

80 000 – 115 000 Ft

3 sector

120 000 – 170 000 Ft

Laser removal of anal condylomas

35 000 – 170 000 Ft

Removal of carancula with laser

55 000 Ft

Cryotherapy or laser treatment of anal fissures

20 000 – 45 000 Ft

Incision and drainage of anal abscess

65 000 Ft

Laser excision of anal fistula

75 000 – 135 000 Ft

Draining a fistula with Seton

25 000 Ft

Laser removal of rectum polipus

50 000 Ft

Cleaning of fistulas, binding with follow-up

15 000 Ft

Removal of sutures

15 000 Ft

Biopsy with laser – from anal skin or from the rectum

30 000 Ft

HPV screening and subtype identification /samples

18 000 Ft

STD screenings (does not include the price of the consultation)

PCR examination

Atopobium vaginae

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis

7 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium

7 000 Ft

Neisseria gonorrhoea

7 000 Ft

Treponema pallidum

7 000 Ft

Trichomonas vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma urealyticum

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis (suspected LGV) IgG+IgA Western blot/serum (OEK)

16 000 Ft

Histological examination

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 Ft

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Abdominal ultrasound

28 000 Ft

Testicle Color Doppler

25 000 Ft

Ultrasound examination of soft parts and lymph nodes

25 000 Ft

Doppler ultrasound examination of neck veins

25 000 Ft

Duplex ultrasound examination of limb veins

29 000 Ft

Arterial duplex ultrasound examination of limb

29 000 Ft

Thyroid ultrasound

25 000 Ft

Penis ultrasound

25 000 Ft

Penis Color Doppler (without the price of the injected medicine)

70 000 Ft


Examination, consultation

28 000 – 35 000 Ft

Follow-up appointment

20 000 – 26 000 Ft

Additional fee of English services includes: appointments on phone or via e-mail, communication at the reception, and filling out the documentation in English which is necessary before using the service, consultation the doctor during the visit, on the clinic report summary, only the infor

10 000 Ft

Fee of English translation of laboratory results

10 000 Ft

Prescription (without consultation)

6 000 Ft

Prescription + brief consultation

16 000 Ft

Injection (without the price of the injected medicine)

8 000 Ft

Inserting and switching catheter

15 000 Ft

Emergency extra fee

15 000 Ft

Ultrasound examination

10 000 Ft


15 000 Ft

Urological surgeries

Adhesiolysis preputi

40 000 Ft


80 000 – 140 000 Ft


60 000 Ft


230 000 – 270 000 Ft

Circumcisio és frenulotomia

280 000 – 340 000 Ft

Condyloma excisio

45 000 – 140 000 Ft


50 000 Ft

Papilla coronae glandis cautery removal

45 000 – 68 000 Ft

Urological test excision (histology not included in the price)

70 000 – 118 000 Ft

Laser removal (viral warts, HPV warts, verruca)

below 0.5 cm 1 pc

28 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

5 000 Ft

between 0,5-1 cm 1 pc

31 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

6 000 Ft

bigger than 1 cm 1 pc

35 000 Ft

price/piece over 1 pc

7 000 Ft

Laboratory examinations

Microbiological culture

Bacteriology (glans, urethra, throat fluid, ejaculatum, scar fluid stb.)

11 700 Ft

Urine bacteriology (aerob)

13 500 Ft

Microscopic analysis of painted/native smear according to Gram

8 000 Ft

MRSA screening

8 250 Ft

Group B Streptococcus examination

8 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis culture from genital discharge

3 500 Ft

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae culture and resistance

17 600 Ft

Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum rapid culture and resistance

11 500 Ft

HPV screening and subtype identification /samples

18 000 Ft

STD screenings (does not include the price of the consultation)

PCR examinatio

Atopobium vaginae

7 000 Ft

Chlamydia trachomatis

7 000 Ft

Gardnerella vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Mycoplasma genitalium

7 000 Ft

Neisseria gonorrhoea

7 000 Ft

Treponema pallidum

7 000 Ft

Trichomonas vaginalis

7 000 Ft

Ureaplasma urealyticum

7 000 Ft

Tumor markers

PSA – prostate spec. ag.

6 600 Ft

PSA free

5 500 Ft

Histological examination

Histological examination under 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

19 000 FT

Histological examination above 2 cm – sent to external lab/ lesion

38 000 Ft

Histological examination of skin samples

19 000 Ft


We can provide free parking to our patients for 1 hour, and a discounted parking opportunity in the remaining time (899 HUF/hour), at Franklin Parking House, which is only 150m from us (Reáltanoda Street 5)

The parking house uses an automatic elevator system to position the cars at an available parking space. Thus, you can leave your vehicle safely during your appointment.

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