Vaginal yeast infection
The majority of women go through vaginal yeast infection
75% of women experience during their lifetime vaginal yeast infection, which the doctors call vulvovaginalis candidiasis (VVC). Its recurrent version (RVVC) affects 5% of women before menopause. Women suffering from RVVC often use local treatments at home, with products which do not require a prescription. Their long-term use often leads to the inflammation of the vulva. An exact diagnosis is crucial, because among women using home treatments for self-diagnosed VVC, only 28% turns out to be infected after the examination. Therefore, most patients use these products needlessly. One of the most common pathogens of VVC is Candida albicans. Recurrent, chronic and persistent VVC are often mixed up. However, their occurrence, appearance and ideal treatment are different.
Recurrent vaginal yeast infection (RVVC)
Recurrent vaginal yeast infection, or recurrent VVC is more common during the life period in fertile women. However, it sometimes occurs even after the menopause, most frequently in women using estrogen supplements or undergoing immune suppressive treatment. Recurrent VVC is diagnosed in a period of 12 months in which VVC occurs at least 4 times. Between the episodes, there are typically asymptomatic periods.
Chronic vaginal yeast infection
Definition and treatment of chronic and recurrent VVC is problematic. One way to define it is that chronic VVC does not react to two weeks of regular yeast treatment. In this case, symptoms are often very mild, occasionally increasing, typically on particular days of the menstruation cycle. Usual complaints include premenstrual itching and a burning feeling around the vulva.
Basic rules for the treatment of RVVC
During the treatment of recurrent vaginal yeast infection, it is very important to inform the patient about ideal hygienic habits. Excessive washing is to be avoided, as are cosmetics, sponges and washing gloves. Tight and synthetic undergarments and stockings cause increased perspiration, which is something to avoid as well.