Vaginal tightening with IntimaLase treatment

When can vaginal tightening become necessary?

With vaginal tightening, vaginal relxation syndroma and uterine prolapse can be treated without surgical intervention or a scalpel. Although the size of the vagina differs individually, after giving birth, or with the passing of time and hormonal changes, the vagina might sag, resulting in uterine prolapse or vaginal relaxation syndrome. After giving birth, the body needs 6 months to reorganize itself to its previous state. However, after giving birth multiple times, the changes are often irreversible.  

How does IntimaLase treatment work?

IntimaLase is a unique, non-surgical and minimally invasive photothermic vaginal tightening Er:YAG laser therapy. The model of the laser the treatment is done with is FotonaSmooth, which uses a non-ablative laser ray. Thanks to the patented SMOOTH technology, it uses thermal effects on the tissue of the vaginal canal. The laser ray stimulates the reorganization and regeneration of collagen in the tissues of the vaginal mucosa and the pelvic fascia, thus increasing the thickness and elasticity of the vaginal wall.

Why do we recommend the IntimaLase treatment?

  • It is a quicker and surer solution than traditional surgical methods
  • Clinical research inform us about tighter vaginal canal and more intense sexual experiences
  • The desired results are usually obtained with two treatments

Important information before the treatment

  • The treatment cannot be done during menstruation
  • the treatment is the most ideal during the first week of the cycle
  • the treatment cannot be done during pregnancy
  • before the RenovaLase treatment, an examination is done to check for any infections
  • the treatment is always preceded by a cytological examination

Important information after the treatment

  • for a few days, swelling or discharge may occur
  • training and physical exercise are not advised for two weeks
  • it is not advised to lift heavy objects for 4 weeks
  • sexual intercourse should be avoided for a week
  • tampons should not be used for 4 weeks
Regain your self-esteem as a complete woman, do not let it go, you can get your sexual life back with our laser treatment. Book an appointment now! Call our patient coordinater, her phone number is +36 30 223 3633!

Watch our video about the treatment:

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Make an appointment with:
Szilvia Pácsa MD
Szilvia Pácsa MD