Removal of pigmented birthmarks

Removal of pigmented birthmarks

The surgical removal of pigmented birthmarks requires special care and a dermatological examination. The reason for this is that these birthmarks contain the cells responsible for producing melanin. It is these cells which can transform to the aggressive malignant tumor called melanoma.
Having an annual dermatological examination is an important step in preventing melanoma. During such visits, the doctor might consider a birthmark to be suspicious, by noticing changes in its structure which indicate danger of becoming malignant. In such cases, the doctor will suggest the preventive removal of the birthmark.

When is it advised to have pigmented birthmarks removed?

There might be other reasons for their removal, apart from the danger of melanoma. They might develop on the face or some other aesthetically undesirable area, which might make the patient wish to get rid of them. Some birthmarks protrude from the skin, thus they are exposed to injuries all the time. This also makes it justified to remove them. 

How is the removal of pigmented birthmarks done?

The removal of pigmented birthmarks is possible through a surgical excision. First, the surgeon uses local anesthetization, injecting anesthetic under the birthmark. Then, the birthmark is excised and the wound is stitched. This procedure is almost painless, it causes only mild discomfort. Stitches have to remain in the skin for 7-10 days. During this period, it is not allowed to wash this area. After the stitches are removed, the scar will gradually reach its final state without any further ministering.
If a skin growth only touches the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin, then it is only a scab, and can be removed without a trace. However, birthmarks are deeper, therefore, after they are removed by any means, the procedure is going to leave a line-like scab. In order to achieve the most aesthetic result, we employ various atraumatic procedures, with special tools and techniques. The result also varies depending on which area is affected during the procedure. (For instance, scars on the back heal much worse.)
After the removal of pigmented birthmarks, histological examination is required, in order to exclude any malignant mutations that might have been undiscovered. The reason for not using a dissector while surgically removing these birthmarks is to make sure to receive the most reliable histological results possible.
It is a misbelief that birthmarks should not be removed, because they become cancerous by the procedure. Their excision is done without touching the boundaries of the birthmark, the cut goes around it in the surrounding skin, therefore, the birthmark is sent to the histological examination untouched. It might happen that the histological result unexpectedly confirms a melanoma. However, in this case, the mutation has already been malignant at the time of the operation.

Book an appointment for an examination of your pigmented birthmarks with one of our dermatologist specialists.

Examination and removal of birthmarks

At our clinic, we provide the opportunity to have your birthmarks screened and removed during a single visit with Ágnes Ottó MD or with László Képíró MD dermatologist and skin surgeon specialist.
Examination and removal of birthmarks ordinarily happens on separate occasions. During the first appointment, a dermatologist examines them to determine the necessary method according to the type. The removal itself is performed by a surgeon during a new appointment, because they can remove them in a safe and professional manner.

The two visits can be reduced to just one

At our clinic, Dr. Ágnes Ottó is both a dermatologist and a practiced skin surgeon specialist, therefore she offers the opportunity to have your birthmarks examined and removed during the same appointment. A maximum of three birthmarks can be removed at the same time.

If you feel determined to get rid of your birthmarks, book an appointment via phone or online.

Make an appointment with:
Gábor Egri MD
Gábor Egri MD
Iringó Ágnes Ottó MD
Iringó Ágnes Ottó MD
László Képíró MD
László Képíró MD
Tamás Barta MD
Tamás Barta MD