Proctologic examination
How is a Proctologic examination performed?
Your Proctologist doctor first asks about your symptoms in details. Physical examination comprises of inspection and digital examination of the rectum. It is followed by examination of the rectum with a short endoscop (anoscop) in order to reveal the most frequent disorders (haemorrhoids, fissures, inflammation). The position of the patient during endoscopy is lying on their left, or kneeling.
The endoscopic examination of the whole rectum, including its upper parts, is called rectoscopy or proctoscopy. This examination is essential to exclude any malignant process in the background and is applied only during the first consultation. Biopsy may follow.
Then a treatment plan is set up and discussed with the Patient by the doctor. In case of haemorrhoids, treatment (eg. rubber banding) might also be started right at the first consultation
Does Proctologic examination and treatment hurt?
These procedures due to a lucky anatomical condition are without pain. Although the area of the opening of the anus is sensitive and well supplied by a network of nerves, the lining just about the level of the anus contains no pain receptors. Both proctologic examinating procedures (endoscopy, biopsy,etc) and treatment (rubber band ligation, cryotherapy, etc) aim the region above this, which is a garantee for painlessness.