Phimosis in adulthood
Phimosis in adulthoo
It is an uncomfortable disease. It means inability to retract the foreskin over the glans penis without pain or difficulty. If left untreated, it might cause many problems. Due to unsatisfactory sanitation, pathogens can settle under the narrowed foreskin, causing serious inflammation. The urinary canal is in danger of getting infected, which is painful, makes urination difficult, and can even cause inflammation of the renal pelvis. Withdrawing the narrowed foreskin forcefully can leave scars behind, worsening the narrowness, or if it is stuck behind the glans, it might necessitate an acute surgery. Adulthood phimosis sooner or later makes sexual life difficult as well. In the background of adulthood phimosis, there is most often a recurring infection, which must be found and treated.
The causes of adulthood phimosis
Healing after an inflammation of the penis often makes the foreskin a little tighter. If this inflammation recurs many times or persists, phimosis might develop. A serious and recurring fungal infection might also cause phimosis. Apart from other infections, the foreskin might get constricted due to allergies, inflammations caused by irritation, warts and their treatment and some rare skin diseases of the penis (lichen sclerosus, balanitis xerotica obliterans, zoon balanitis). These diseases are usually treated efficiently with creams and other medication, but if the phymosis is resistant to the treatment, circumcision might become necessary.
Treating adulthood phimosis
If phimosis causes problems for you, visit one of our specialists at Downtown Medical Center: Dr. Tímea Tisza, Dr. Réka Szandányi, Dr. Béla Tóth, and explore the reasons and provide efficient treatment.
If the adulthood phimosis has already become permanent, our urologist specialist can remove the narrow foreskin with a surgery.