Penis ultrasound examination

Mutations that can be traced with ultrasound examination of the penis

In the case of the penis, ultrasound examination can show different mutations and states. The most important are:

  • induratio penis plastica
  • injuries;
  • manually traceable differences;
  • deeper inflammatory mutations, perhaps tumors;
  • checking recovery process after interventions;
  • surface obliteration of veins (thrombosis)

How to prepare for the ultrasound examination of the penis?

The examination does not require any preparation, but it is more comfortable if the bladder is not full. The examination takes about 15 minutes, it is painless and non-invasive.

We would like to draw attention to the fact that this examination in itself cannot explore the reasons of erectile dysfunction. For such cases, if it is advised by your therapist, the Penis Color Doppler examination is applicable, which is performed after receiving an injection to the penis.

Please bring any previous results, ambulatory sheets related to your problem, and if you had any previous picture based examinations, the recordings or results of those.

Book an appointment via phone or online!

Make an appointment with:
András Laki MD
András Laki MD