Hay fever

Hay fever is a form of respiratory allergy. In the case of hay fever, the body recognizes the allergen as an unknown, and therefore the immune system starts to defend, freeing histamine. Histamine causes itching, redness and defluxion in the nasal cavities, the respiratory system and the eyes. We distinguish two types: seasonal hay fever and persisting (continual) hay fever. Seasonal hay fever ceases during the winter months. The symptoms of persisting hay fever are present all year.
Typical symptoms of hay fever: running nose, itching nose, snuffles, sneezing, itching of the eyes, red eyes, lacrimation, puffiness around the eyes, itchy feeling in the throat.

The reasons of hay fever

The predisposition for hay fever, as it is usual with allergies, comes down from the family. If one of the parents have this allergy, the chance of the child developing it is about 30%.
It is not known exactly when the symptoms appear within an allergic individual. Nowadays, lifestyle is the most commonly mentioned factor for developing allergies, it is often blamed on air pollution and chemical concentrations in the air.
Persistent hay fever is most often caused by domestic dust, the hair or feather of pets. Seasonal hay fever is most often caused by pollens and blighted fungi. During the spring, the most prevalent allergens are the pollens that get into the air from trees. In the summer, the focus shifts to grains and lawn-grass, while in the autumn, weeds cause many people allergies.


The pollens that evoke hay fever can be in cross-reactions with certain types of food. That is, if someone is allergic to ragweed, they can develop symptoms after eating a banana or a melon. This phenomenon is called oral allergy syndrome.

Diagnosing hay fever

Hay fever is easily identifiable due to its characteristic symptoms. It is very important to identify the reason behind it. With this, a discussion with the patient is helpful, and the examination of the allergens is done via a blood test at our clinic.
The otolaryngologist specialist, by an examination, excludes other diseases with similar symptoms, such as adenoid, nasal septum deviation and tumors.
If you suffer from one of the symptoms mentioned above, book an appointment with our otolaryngologist!
Make an appointment with:
Tibor Szalóki MD
Tibor Szalóki MD