Aviator's ear
Aviator's ear is one of the most common diseases related to the ear, it can occur either in childhood or adulthood, its gravity is varied. The inflammation is most often a complication of a viral cold, called catarrhal aviator's ear. There is also a category called purulent inflammation, which is caused by bacterial infection.
The symptoms of aviator's ear
Among the symptoms of catarrhal inflammation is strain of the ear, decreased hearing capability, and mild pain.The first symptoms of a purulent infection are fever, decreased hearing and pain in the ear.
The symptoms might worsen with the escalation of the disease, strong pain and discharge of the ear can appear.
The reason of aviator's ear
Acute aviator's ear is most often preceded by a cold or inflammation of the throat, followed by the malfunction of the Eustachian tube. Apart from infectious diseases, aviator's ear might be caused by surgeries performed in the nasal cavity or the pharynx.Children have shorter Eustachian tubes, which are more easily blocked in case of swollen connective tissues, or in many cases, enlarged nasal tonsils might deter proper functioning of the Eustachian tube. Therefore, if aviator's ear is recurrent, it might be worth it to remove the nasal tonsils. On rare occasions, the injury of the ear can also cause aviator's ear.
Treatment of aviator's ear
The primary objective of the treatment is to repair the ventilation of the tympanic cavity. In the case of bacterial purulent inflammation, the treatment is most often antibiotics. To decrease pain in the ear, keeping it warm might be advised. Even with purulent infections, piercing of the ear-drum is rarely needed, for the accumulated fluid to be able to flow out. If the fluid cannot flow out, the inflammation might have serious complications.If you also suffer from the symptoms of aviator's ear, book an appointment with our otolaryngologist specialist!
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