Abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound is nowadays a basic diagnostic examination. It provides an overview of the abdominal organs, and it is completely harmless and painless.


Abdominal ultrasound examination

Abdominal ultrasound examination provides information about the size and structure of the abdominal organs. It is suitable for the examination of the:


  • liver
  • gall bladder
  • pancreas
  • kidneys
  • spleen
  • abdominal aorta


Abdominal ultrasound examination is supplemented by the examination of the minor pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, prostate, bladder) if the bladder is full. If it is not, these organs cannot be examined.

The picture provided by the ultrasound examination is suitable for the examination of the structure, which gives important information about the organs. A difference in size can be shown, and deviances of the structure and vessels. Stones and dilation within the gall bladder and the kidney can also be shown. The fluids of the abdominal cavity, and bigger lymph nodes, too. To explore the functions, other examinations might be necessary, but the deviances of the structure shown by the ultrasound examination are good indicators of functional problems as well.

Ultrasound is not suitable for the examination of the stomach and the bowel, but indirect signals can indicate certain deviations. The radiologist specialist writes these down in the results, and suggests further examinations.

Air-filled bowels and bowel-contents can disturb the examination, therefore preparation is very important.

Read the related information about the preparation for abdominal ultrasound examination! 

Despite the fact that ultrasound examination is a routine procedure, the correct analysis of the picture requires professional expertise, experience, and precision on the part of the diagnostician.

At our clinic, an experienced radiologist specialist, Dr. András Laki - will welcome you, in the form of a pre-scheduled appointment.

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András Laki MD
András Laki MD